Friday, April 30, 2010

Assignment 2 Thematic Project

The title of our final assignment is
"Creative Multimedia"

5 member in a group:
Tan Qi Mei 1081102878 (Leader)
Heng Yee Hui 1081102644
Kee Wae Leng 1081103172
Chin Shi Qing 1081103567
Gan Yee Keng 1081101296

This is our group photo after the presentation.

Explanation of our presentation.

In the presentation what we going to present was all about Creative multimedia and cave drawing. We found that that was so made sensed about the Cave Drawing as the mother of the Creative Multimedia.
For the earlier century, people who live in cave did many drawing on the wall as Cave Drawing, they record down there feeling, daily activity, emotion and even their think. Many of the words, symbols and even shape that we are using nowadays were been created by them.
Nowadays, we do documentation communication and even decoration through internet, handwriting, drawing, recording and etc. we are using multimedia ways to present our feeling, thinking, opinion, emotion and daily activity just like how cave drawing been done.
We had Facebook, Blogger, Friendster, Photoshop, Illustrator, and etc.
Besides, we present this entire thing with creativity, this is also exactly just like how they presenting their thinking on the wall.
Cave Drawing is the mother of Creative Multimedia who creating, leading and producing us a very good medium or tool to convert our information.

Process & procedure

Stage 1

Logical Mind map ( Creative multimedia)

Before we start doing sketches, we come out with the logical mind map 1st. This is our 1st mind map of the Creative Multimedia.

From the mind map of
Creative Multimedia, we have choose the Cave Painting as the topic to focus on.

Mind map of Cave Painting

Stage 2

We had to make an essay of minimum 800 words about the topic that we've chosen Cave Painting.


How do we define creative multimedia? Creative multimedia is a multi function and purpose medium for us to generate new idea or new product. The meaning of creative is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, new associations of the existing ideas or concepts and it is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. Besides, multimedia is meant as both of the media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. There are many productions done through creative multimedia, such as printed media, video production, audio composing, broadcasting, drawing and etc. It is often said that media is actually a tool or a medium for us to convert our thinking, planning or idea to be preventative and also transform any form of content into useful information. Everyone from filmgoers to Internet users and educationists, student, engineers, and businessman will generate theirs work for content. By the way, the content will be required for a variety of daily needs such as information, learning, skills development, entertainment, telecommunications, and edutainment to news. Nowadays, multimedia is playing an important role in our daily life, and the process of our country developing. Thus, the convergence has resulted in not only a greater demand for creative content, but requires it to sustain commercial viability. According to research, we have discovered that there is a process for creative multimedia including brain storming, mind mapping, doing analysis, stylizing, symbolizing and as well as producing.


Cave paintings are paintings on walls and ceilings of cave. This term is used since prehistoric period. Some theories hold that cave paintings may have been a way of communicating with others during old time. The evidence found suggests that cave painting were not merely decoration of living areas. Besides, there are some theories ascribe them a religious or ceremonial purpose in old days.
This method was practiced since 30,000 years ago. In many of the caves, the ceilings are so low that the archaeologists would have to crawl on their hands and knees to get to the paintings. During those time in upper Paleolithic period, which is also known as stone age (40000 to 10000 BC), most of the findings show that painted works were mostly found on rocks or on floor, walls and even the ceilings of caves. This has led the transformation of cave paintings in the Neolithic period which is also known as New Stone Age. People living in this period practiced the prolific and sophisticated style from the Lascaux and Altamira. These places are significant location where people found most of the cave paintings.
In the history flow of cave paintings, many places were discovered with the paintings showing how people in old period survived. First of all, Altamira in Spain is significant with its first cave painting discovered in the year of 1870. They were painted by the Magdalenian between 16000-9000 BC and those painting are mostly about animals such as bison. Secondly, the Lascaux in France had its cave painting created around 15000 BC. They were composed of many kinds of animals. Some of the animals have been painted over suggesting that different groups of people might have lived in this same cave. Next, the cave of Swimmers in Egypt was found by the Hungarian explorer. This cave contains rock painting images of people swimming. Kakadu National Park in Australia has a large collection of cave paintings. Besides, Bhimbetka Rock Shelters in India was located in Madhya Pradesh since Mesolithic period and Medieval period. This shelter exhibit the earliest traces of human life in India. They used green and yellow to depict the lived of people who lived in the cave.
Why did people choose to paint in their cav
e? Findings showed that this is one of the ways to communicate with each other. Besides, cave painting decorated their living area in the caves. Cave paintings help archeologists to find out the documentation of people’s hunting expedition and their survival skill in those days.
There are certain ways according to research. Some of them crave on stone using sharp tools. Besides, they paint natural objects on walls of the caves. For this they used bones to spray the color on.


How do we relate creative multimedia with cave painting? We believe that cave painting is a kind of creative multimedia. How did people in those days ever thought of painting on cave walls? Were they too bored of doing nothing? We believe that it is the innovative beginning of creativity. During their period, they have created different signs and symbols describing different incident that happened around them. This is a kind of communication in creative way. This is part of our studies of creative multimedia.


Stage 3

Design Statement

Cave Drawing is the mother of Creative Multimedia who creating, leading and producing us a very good medium or tool to convert our information.

Stage 4


Associated Mind Map
Stage 5


Final Improvement

Stage 6

Final artwork based on the concept of Cave Drawing is the mother of Creative Multimedia .We were to do it in a graphical way. It is interperated that the caveman (as cave painting) water or fetilize (raise and lead) the seed (creative multimedia). This sketch is came out based on the concept as shown before. The cave painting had raised and led the growth of creative multimedia. We used the same way to illustrate the final sketch as what we've done on our previous work.

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